This home presented all sorts of challenges: pitch bleeding through knot holes everywhere, bubbles on every board on two sides of the home, and complete paint failure in many areas. Needless to say, much of this home had to be stripped down to bare wood, and all paint removal and sanding had to be completely contained. This is the first home in over 27 years I’ve painted where the exterior was Lodgepole Pine – which is an ideal wood for making tipis (tee-pees) but not so ideal for siding, due to the high content of knots and the pitch those knots exude. You can actually see in the before pictures where the pitch had completely discolored the previous paint, not just at the knot holes, but from long cracks and splits in the wood. My first order of business was to address the bubbles, since the bubbles were indicative of a moisture issue. After some investigating, we found effective ways to properly vent the moisture trying to escape from the basement, as well as addressing the runoff from gutters and downspouts – both of which were the main culprits in causing the bubbles to form. After stripping the 80 year-old home, the next challenge was to seal the knot holes and anywhere else the pitch was bleeding. Once all of that was accomplished, it was smooth sailing. The home looks better than new, and we’ve managed to provide another quality paint job our customer will be able to appreciate for a very long time.